lördag 10 mars 2012

hoka hey!!

I really love the philosophy of life that the native americans live by, and to a larger extension lived, before the " white man" came and forsed them in to submission..
They have a close connection to nature, so to the degree that it's religios.. all things have a soul of some kind, their repect for all things living is admireable, just think about their philosophy about killing animals, they only kill what they use and they really use it all, meat for food, skinn fore clothes, bones for tools, other utilities and so on.

When the animal was killed they sed a prayer and made som kind of offer to the gods.
This respect was something that they showed all things from nature, the nature was their birthplace, their living place and their death place.. even after death they put the dead bodies up on a pedestal bed instead of putting them down under the soil, this to let the spirits free to nature.

This cind of life so close to the nature makes you adapt to the weather, what time of year it is and what kind of food was avalable at that time..
Here we have yet an other example that people who don't have everything served before their feet and have to adapt to the moment live a happier life..

When you don't have the luxury of dwelling your past, when you cant't dream of the future, when the only thing you have is this "moment" here and now, thats's when you feel free!!

set your mind's free my brothers and sisters!

fredag 9 mars 2012


I have a technique to relax and to "get away" from the world for a moment.
This is something that I learned from an old lady 12 years ago when I had some problems with my self and needed help to find my so called "happy place".
The life I lived back then was 100% work and no play, the hunt for money and material things made me forget who I was and where I came from.. something happend when I moved from the rural country side to the big city,, and like many others with me I got caught and swept away by the big city life.. from beeing a happy go lucky carpenter and artist who didn't care less about money nor expensive gadgets, to a materialistik, money chasing robot.. offcourse this was a road to disaster considering that this wasn't the original me.. I notised that I just got more and more unhappy, and the result was that I started to plan for the future,, all the time, never living in the moment, always thinking that the grass was greener on the otherts side.. things like " if just this or that happened everything would get better, or if I move here or there everything would be allright".

then I met the old lady, and from then on forward with a lot of training and comitment my life has slowly but steadily gotten better,, and now 12 years later I finally feel that my old self is 100% back.. It took a couple of years to get lost on the wrong path, and 12 years to get back! It's been a struggle and very hard at times, because we as human beings have trouble to change our ways.

So, to the technique then.. we all have some stress built in our brains with all the musts in life,, rent, bills, work, relationships and so on, we worry about other people with problems, starving children, wars well you name it,, thats a whole lot to carry around in our heads.
Thats why we need to empty our heads from time to time and realise that all those problems maybe dont have to be all that bad that we make it up to be, it doens´t help walking around thinking about them anyway.
The trick is as I've told you before, is like allways, to learn the trick of livin in the moment,, my gospel is that that´s the key to happiness.

You don't have to start up too serious with how you'r sitting, where you do this, or nothing like that, the important thing is that you feel comfortable.. sitt in your favorite armchair, couch, bed or where ever your favorite place is to relax.. be shure to be alone, no distractions and a serene and quit envirement, then choose som relaxing music, my personal favorite is hindu chanting music. then close your eyes, start breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth,, it's crusual to ceep this breathing the whole session.
feel the oxygen fill your lungs and then slow and steady you breath out through the mouth.
after a couple of minutes when you breath like this you start feeling an euforic feeling and the music feels like it's moore inside your body than coming from a speaker.

After a while when you feel that you'r inside your own body and mind, start picturing yourself from above, slowly you let the "film camera" move upwards, slowly, slowly the camera moves upp, you see yourself sitting there above the roof tops, the three tops, from inside the clouds and finally from space.. through this moving process you have seen everything on earth just getting smaller, smaller and smaller, untill the only thing you see is the earth, the globe. with you hovering free up in space,, when you have trained yourself to feel this and manage to picture yourself in that moment, that's when you are in Nirvana! and the feeling you get is that the problems you have in life down there on earth is actually pretty small considering, the earth is a small dot down there, your hovering in space and everything is actually pretty good after all :-)

peace and serenity my brothers and sisters..

torsdag 8 mars 2012


what is time,, really? feels like all we worry about is time.. time to spend with the family, time to have a vacation, time to spend on hobbies and so on. We say things like " I really need to have some alonetime",, and things of this nature.. my thoughts on this is that all this obsession of time needed is a total waste of time... this is a textbook exaple of how we "the human kind" have forgotten where we come from originally,, do you really think that our ancestors even would know what we'r talking about.. we just need to go back not more than a 100 years, before the industrial revolution to discover that almost all of us lived intouch with nature, we where self-sufficient, we held our own animals, we grew our own vegetables, we milkt our own milk and so on.. people did not have the "time" to think about the time..

Shit just had to be done, rain or sun.. animals had to be taken care of, harvest had to be done when it had to be done a.s.f.
There were no 9-5, 1 hour lunch-brakes, kindergardens you had to pick up your kids from before they closed.. we had eachother, we helpt oneanother, family's had a stronger bond.

this according to my theories, becouse we did not have the "time" to worry about our time..
we lived a life in the moment!

food for thought..

hang loose my brothers and sisters,, blessed are the enlighted ones!

onsdag 7 mars 2012


hey yall!
this has been one of those days you know.. one of those days that realy puts things in perspective, and makes you use all of your inner strength to not forget your own ideals.. some people just tick you of, no matter how positive your approach towards life is..

now I'm even more certain and stoked about my projects, I'm so certain now that the choises that I'm making in my life right this moment is going to set me free.. to live in the moment needs a lot of training and comitment,, and to be able to shake of bad things of your sholders before you enter the front door after work is crusual!! Otherwise the few hours that you have in the evening with your family will not be the enjoyment that it should be, because your having this negative energy from your work day.. so, if there is any problems att work or anger for that matte,, shake it off, think about something that you really love, try to feel the warmth enter your stomach, break out a smile and then turn the doornob..

Why worry now? I promise you, if it's work related it will be there in the morning,, deal with it then.. not now, your suppose to live in the moment,, so do it!

Your family are the most important individuals in your life,, show happiness when hanging with them, they really dont have to either hear you complaine about your day, nor se you unhappy and grumpy.. that's not helping anyone.. people usually take after one and other.. if your calm, laid back and confident, others will be too.. then in the morning on the way to work you can start planning how to tackle the problem..

And now with theese words, it's time to go make dinner for my lovely family :-)

tisdag 6 mars 2012

just another day..

and then an other work day has come to an end.. :-) home alone with my son and chillin'
bought some new stuff to my surfbus project,, nice!! that bus is going to be a thing of beauty when it's done ;-) interior is not far from ready, soon the real task begins,, painting my art on the whole bus.. that's gonna be a lot of work, but man it's gonna be cool!!
you can follow the project and other crazy stuff att www.honuartsweden.blogspot.com

peace out!

måndag 5 mars 2012

woop woop!

good morning!
another beautiful morning.. the spring is coming and the sun is on a good mood today :-)
I feel my mind filling my body with all the positive and wonderful feelings that I need to have yet an other day with good energy.. live today, folks. :-)


Gipsy Dream

you can follow my monster projects on www.honuartsweden.blogspot.com.
I'm building the ultimate surfbus and a Harley-Davidson that I'm converting to a Beach Cruiser with a Harley pedigree... these are going to be displayed at surf events this coming summer..

Live today my little golden retrievers :-) ..........>)))))0>.............